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Whiskers, Inc.

Whiskers, Inc. was founded in 2014 by 3 cat trappers, Debbie, Mimi, and Jenna. They were doing TNR (trap, neuter, release) in Los Angeles and finding many friendly cats in the countless cat colonies they came across. They began adopting out these “friendlies” to loving homes. Over the years, Whiskers, Inc. has grown to include more volunteers and a home-based foster care system. Since December 2020, they have been collaborating with other animal rescue groups in Los Angeles to provide free spay/neuter services throughout the city. The only true way to reduce the number of homeless animals in Los Angeles is to provide large-scale, low-cost and free spay/neuter.

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1 livre(s) livré(s)

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53 votes

Objectif: 165 livres

Illustration d'un homme et d'un chien

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Locks 4 Paws

165 livre(s) livré(s)


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