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Operation Catnip Peterborough

Operation Catnip is a non-profit, grass roots organization addressing the homeless cat population in Peterborough. Focused on Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR), their goal is to humanely limit the number of unwanted, unowned cats by trapping, neutering, vaccinating and releasing them back to where they were trapped so long as there is a caregiver maintaining the colony. They work closely with rescue partners to adopt these cats into a forever home if /once socialized. They also help colony caregivers feed their spayed and neutered colonies.

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30 jours restant

1 livre(s) livré(s)

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14 votes

Objectif: 165 livres

Illustration d'un homme et d'un chien

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Pantry Four Paws

165 livre(s) livré(s)


14 votes

30 jours restant

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