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Animals In Need Rescue Network, Inc.

Christine created Animals In Need Rescue Network with the help of volunteers, other rescue organizations, friends and donors in 2011. AINRN currently holds spay and neuter clinics 2 to 3 times per month, providing free services to hundreds of cats and dogs in need, and the people who love them. "My goal is to help as many animals as possible by providing free spay/neuter, vet care, TNR, (Trap/Neuter /Return), public education, fostering, adoptions, rehoming friendly cats and dogs and saving them from the streets, saving horses from kill buyers and or dangerous situations, and transferring animals to other rescues."

Icone sablier

Cagnotte mai 2024

165 livre(s) livré(s)

Icone profil

6434 votes

Objectif: 165 livres

Illustration d'un homme et d'un chien

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