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k9.5 Rescue

k9.5 Rescue is a foster home based rescue and sanctuary dedicated to helping Great Pyrenees, other giant breeds, senior and special needs canines. They are committed to saving and protecting canines facing euthanasia, abandonment, disaster, or life as a stray, offering a chance for those most often ignored due to size, breed, health, age or appearance. They are fervent in promoting awareness of their undeserved bias, while affording the animals a renewed life in dedicated, permanent homes or the k9.5 Sanctuary. k9.5 Rescue is devoted to overall wellness, granting proper veterinary, behavioral and emotional support. Additionally, they strive to provide public education, end overpopulation, and diminish unacceptable care or abuse in the lives of animals.

Icone sablier

Cagnotte janvier 2024

166 livre(s) livré(s)

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5772 votes

Objectif: 165 livres

Illustration d'un homme et d'un chien

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165 livre(s) livré(s)


1377 votes

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